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Syllabus for TNPSC VAO 2021

TNPSC Exam Syllabus 2021

TNPSC releases its revised syllabus every year by Tamil Nadu State Public Service in its official website. The topics which are covered on the syllabus are taken as an exam question paper as per exam categories. Here we will provide you a revised syllabus for TNPSC Group Exams like Group 1, Group 2, Group 2A, Group 4 and VAO, you can view and download it

Syllabus for TNPSC Group 1 2021 Exam

Three stages of the exam will be conducted in TNPSC Group 1 Exam are


Unit I: General Science

Diseases, Electronics, Electricity, Elements and compounds, Fertilizers and pesticides, Force, Health, Hygiene, Life and evolution, Laser, Light, Magnetism, Mechanics, Nutrition, Nuclear physics, Petroleum and its products, Science and reasoning, Sound, Universe laws

Unit II: Current Affairs

Books and their authors, economics, Geography, Historical events, Latest scientific end eavors, politics of India, sports.

Unit III: Geography of India:

Climate change, Disaster management, Location, Population, Resources of India, Seasons and weather, Transport and communication.

Unit IV: History and Culture of India:

Bahmani Kingdoms, Civilizations and Rulers of India, secularism, South Indian History change in socio-cultural history of India, Unity in Diversity in India.

Unit V: Indian Politics:

Constitution of India and its parts, Corruption and its effect on the Indian society, Executive, Federalism, Legislature and judiciary in India, The election process in India.

Unit VI: Indian Economy:

 Employment rate and its growth, financial commission and revenue in India, Indian economy and Planning Commission, State of Indian Economy.

Unit VII: Indian National Movement:

Prominent leaders of India, Satyagrah and Militant movement, The formation of Indian National Congress, The uprising against British rule.

Unit VIII: History, Culture and Socio-Political Movement in Tamil Nadu:

Socio-Political movement in the last two centuries in Tamil Nadu, Tamil literature, Tamil Nadu and its history, The role of Tamil Nadu in the struggle of freedom, Thirukkural.

Unit IX: Development Administration in Tamil Nadu:

Development of human resources, Economic trends, Education, Health in Tamil Nadu, Social justice and harmony, The welfare of various sections of society.


Area, HCF, LCM, Logical reasoning, Percentage, Ratio and proportion, Simple and compound interest, volume.

Paper I:

General Aptitude and Mental Ability, Modern History of Indian and Indian Culture, Social Issues in India and Tamil Nadu.

Paper II:

Indian Polity and Emerging Trends, Role of Science and Technology in development of India, Tamil society and Heritage.

Paper III:

Environment and Disasters Management, Geography of India and Tamil Nadu, Indian Economy

Chemistry:  Acids, Bases and salts, Elements and Compounds, Fertilizers, Insecticides, Pesticides.

Zoology: Animals, Blood and blood circulation, Plants and human life, Reproductive system.

Physics: Electricity, Electronics, Force, Heat, Light and Sound, Magnetism, Mechanics and properties of matter, motion and energy, Nature of Universe, physical quantities, standards and units.

Botany: Classification of living organisms, Nutrition.

Ecology: Health and hygiene, Human diseases, prevention and remedies.

History: A profile of States, Awards & honours, Books & authors, Eminent persons & places in news, India and its neighbours, National symbols, Sports & games, The latest diary of national events.

Political Science:  Political parties, political system in India, Public awareness & General administration, public elections, welfare-oriented govt. schemes their utility.

Geography: Geographical landmarks.

Economics: Current socio-economic problems.

History: A profile of States, Awards & honours, Books & authors, Eminent persons & places in news, India and its neighbours, National symbols, Sports & games, The latest diary of national events.

Political Science:  Political parties, political system in India, Public awareness & General administration, public elections, welfare-oriented govt. schemes their utility.

Geography: Geographical landmarks.

Economics: Current socio-economic problems.

Age of Vijayanagaram, Characteristics of Indian culture, Culture and Heritage of Tamil people, Dravidian movement in Tamil Nadu, Growth of rationalist, India as a secular state, India since independence, Indus valley civilization, Mughals and Marathas, Political parties and populist schemes, South Indian history, the Golden Age of Guptas, Unity in diversity,

Constitution of India and its salient features: Fundamental duties, Human rights, the Union, States and territories, Fundamental Rights.

The legislature of India: Assembly, Local government, Panchayat Raj, Parliament, State Executive, State Legislature, Union legislature.

Judiciary in India: Anti-corruption measures, CAG, Consumer protection forms, Corruption in public life, CVC, Elections, Empowerment of women, Lok adalats, Ombudsman, right to information, The process of law.

Application of science in agriculture, Economic trends in Tamil Nadu, Education, Employment, Five-year plan models, health, Industrial growth, Land reforms & agriculture, Nature of Indian economy, population, poverty, Rural welfare-oriented programmers, social sector problems.

  1. Gandhi, J. Nehru, National Renaissance, R.N. Tagore, Role of Tamil Nadu in the freedom struggle, the emergence of national leaders.
  1. Alphanumeric Reasoning, Analytical interpretation of data, Area, compilation and presentation, Conversion of information to data and its collection, HCF & LCM, Logical Reasoning, Ratio and Proportion, Simple and Compound interest, Simplification, Percentage, Time and Work, Visual Reasoning, Volume.

Syllabus for TNPSC CESE 2021 Exam

Building systems and services, Climatic design and Energy-efficient architecture, Construction Technology and Project Management, Environmental Studies and Site Planning, History of Architecture and Culture, Human settlements planning, Materials and construction techniques, Professional Ethics, Theory of Architecture, Urban Studies.

Farm and Irrigation Structures, Farm Machinery, Farm Power, Irrigation and Drainage, Process Engineering of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops, Renewable and Bioenergy, Soil erosion and Conservation, Surveying and Hydrology, Unit Operations in Food and Agricultural Processing, Watershed Development and Management.

Automotive Chassis, Automotive Electrical and Electronics, Automotive Pollution and Control, Automotive Transmission, Engines, Servicing and Maintenance, Suspension and Braking System, Vehicle Body Engineering, Vehicle Control Systems, Vehicle Dynamics

Chemical Process Calculation and Engineering Thermodynamics, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Chemical Technology and Renewable Energy Sources, Design and Optimization, Environmental Engineering and Safety in Chemical Industries, Instrumentation and Process Control, Mechanical Operations and Engineering Materials, Numerical and Computational Methods, Separation Operations, Transfer Operations.

Building Materials and Construction Practices, Design of Reinforced Concrete and Steel Structures, Engineering Survey, Environmental Engineering and Pollution Control, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering, Project Management and Estimation, Strength of Materials, Structural Analysis, Urban and Transportation.

Analog and Digital Electronics, Control Systems, Digital Processors and Communication, Electric and Magnetic Fields, Electrical Circuits, Electrical Machines, Measurements and Instrumentation, Power Electronics and Drives, Power Systems, Renewable Energy Resources.

CAD/CAM/CIM/FEA, Fluid Mechanics and Turbo Machinery, Heat and Mass Transfer, Industrial Engineering and Management, Kinetics and Dynamics, Materials Science and Metallurgy, Mechanics, Metrology and Quality Control, Production Technology, Strength of Materials and Design, Thermodynamics.

Chemical Processing, Fibre Identification and Blend Analysis, Knitting and Garments, Nonwovens and Technical Textiles, Physical Properties of Fibre, Spinning, Synthetic Fibre Spinning and Post Spinning Operations, Testing and Quality Control, Textile Management and Environment Conservation, Weaving.


Aptitude and Mental Ability Test, Current Events, General Science, Geography, History and Culture of India, Indian Economy, Indian National Movement, Indian Polity.

Syllabus for TNPSC Group 4 2021

Physics – Electricity, Electronics, Force, Heat, Light and Sound, Magnetism, Mechanics and properties of matter, Motion and energy, Nature of Universe, Physical quantities, Standards and units.

Chemistry – Acids, Bases and salts, Elements and Compounds, Fertilizers, Insecticides, Pesticides.

Botany – Classification of living organisms, Nutrition

Zoology – Animals, Blood and blood circulation, Plants and human life, Reproductive system

Ecology – Health and hygiene, Human diseases, Prevention and remedies.

History – A profile of States, Awards & honours, Books & authors, Eminent persons & places in news, India and its neighbours, National symbols, Sports & games, The latest diary of national events.

Political Science – Political parties, Political system in India, Public awareness & General administration, public elections, Welfare-oriented govt. schemes their utility.

Economics – Current socio-economic problems.

Geography – Geographical landmarks.



Agriculture Pattern, Earth and Universe, Forest and Wildlife, Mineral and Natural resources, Monsoon, Natural Calamities and Disaster Management, Population: Density and Distribution, Rainfall, Soil, Solar System, Transportation, Water resources, Weather.

History and Culture of India (Special importance to Tamil Nādu)

Delhi Sultans, Dravidian Movement, Growth of Rationalist, History of South India, India after Independence, India as a Secular State, Indian Culture and its characteristics, Indus Valley Civilization, Marathas, Mughals, Political Parties, Populist scheme, Vijayanagar Empire and the Bahmani’s.

Indian Polity: Citizenship

Constitution of India and its salient features, Elections, Local Government, Official Language, Panchayat Raj, right to information, Rights and Duties, State Executive, Union Legislature, Women Empowerment.

Indian Economy

Applications of Science in Agriculture, Five-year plan models, Industrial Growth and Rural Welfare, Land Reforms, Nature of Indian Economy, Poverty: Economic Trends in Tamil Nadu, Social sector problems.

Indian National Movement

Different modes of Agitation, Role of Tamil Nadu in the freedom struggle, The emergence of National leaders, The National Renaissance.

Alpha Numeric Reasoning, Analytical Interpretation of data, Collection, Compilation and presentation of data, Logical reasoning, Number series, Percentage and Ratio, Simple Interest and Compound Interest, Simplification, Time and Work, Visual Reasoning, Volume.

Part-A: Grammar: Adjective, Adverb, Articles, Complex Sentences, Compound words, Compound, Degree, Homophones, Noun, Phrases and Meanings, Plural, Prefix and Suffix, Question Tag, Simple, Synonyms and Antonyms, Tense, Verb, Voice.

Part B: Literature: Appreciation questions from the poem, Biography, Figures of speech, Motivational Essays, Oscar Wilde, Poems, Shakespeare.

Part-C: Authors and Literary work: About Dramatist, Author of the short story, Characters, Famous lines, Match poems with poets, Nationality of poets, Nationality of story, quotes from Julius Caesar and the Merchant of Venice, Themes in literary works.

Syllabus for TNPSC Assistant System Engineer 2021

TNPSC Assistant System Engineer syllabus is divided into Paper I, Paper II, and  Paper III.

TNPSC Assistant System Engineer Syllabus for Paper I and Paper III

Basic Electronics (ECE & EEE), Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, Computer Networks, Data Structures And Algorithms, Database Management Systems, Digital Electronics And Computer Organization, Information Security, Machine Learning, Microprocessors And Embedded Systems (Ece & Eee), Object-Oriented Programming & Object-Oriented Analysis And Design , Operating Systems, Probability And Queueing Theory, Programming Inc, Software Engineering, Software Process And Project Management, Web Technology.

TNPSC Assistant System Engineer Syllabus for Paper II: Engineering Aptitude

Logical Reasoning

Alphabetical, Assumption, binary logic, calendars, Clocks, Conclusion, Data sufficiency, Statement, Diagrammatic; Family, In alphabetical or miscellaneous, In blood relation, In coding-decoding, In direction and distances, In order and ranking, In syllogism, Jumbled puzzle; Dice, Visual Reasoning, Linear and matrix arrangement, logical sequence – Logical Number, Premise, Puzzles – Classification, Comparison, seating arrangement, Selection, Sequential.

Data Interpretation

charts (column, bar, pie), graphs (line, area), Interpretation and analysis of data based on text, tables, Venn diagram.

Quantity/ Numerical Ability

Algebra, Areas Of Parallelograms And Triangles, Arithmetic mean, Arithmetic Sequences, Circles, Coordinate Geometry, Cube Numbers, Fibonacci Series, Geometric mean, Geometric Sequences, Geometry – Euclid’s Geometry, Harmonic mean, HCF & LCM, Integer Number Sequences, Lines and Angles, Logarithm, Median, Mode, Mensuration, Numerical computation, numerical estimation, numerical reasoning, Percentages, Permutation combination, Polynomials, Probability, Profit and loss, Quadratic and linear equations, Quadrilaterals, Rational Number Sequences, Relation and Functions, Square Numbers, Standard Deviation, Surface Areas And Volumes, the Number system, Time and work; Averages, Triangles, Variance, Vectors.

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